Thursday, October 27, 2011

Vacation (All I Ever Wanted)

Every now and again it is a dang nice thing to treat yourself to a small get away.  Something to take your mind of of your day to day life and to add a little excitement to your year.  (On a fashion note, Vacations are also excellent excuses to buy new clothes and dress up.)

A few weeks back I needed a break so I got my lady friends together and we headed north to San Louis Obiso (SLO, as the locals say.)
Why SLO? Well I happened  upon a place, no, a miracle rather, a few months ago.  This miracle is called the Madonna Inn.  If you haven't heard of it yet, you will thank me by the end of this post.

Madona Inn's hotel bar.  The bartender was wearing a piano key neck tie and made us a German Chocolate Cake Martini

The Madonna Inn is quite possibly the greatest place on earth.  It is a kitschy feast of imagination and design.   Keeping in the wonder of the place my friends and I all dressed up (our walls were glitter wallpaper, so what choice did we have really?).  We also played a new game I invented called "Nailed It"- this requires getting Dollar Store stick-on 1" nails and seeing who can keep all them on the longest.

Yes, we had a 70's style oversize stone fireplace

Needless to say I think we scared half the town of SLO.  Running around all dolled up with crazy long nails, half on half off our finger tips.

In our surf around town we spotted this awesome cafe also called Kreuzberg, CA.  It was huge.  I think they must have knocked down one of the walls because the cafe I went into could have been a middle school gymnasium- which is not what you would expect for a cozy hip cafe.  Aside from a great variety of vegan treats, they had my heart at upside down antique lamps as light fixtures.

Why are you so far away, awesome cafe?

Venture up north one hour and you will find yourself at Hearst Castle.  For a little more than 20 bucks they will take you on a tour of the place. Bonus: The bus ride up to the castle includes an audio tour done by my favorite former mustachioed man- Alex Trebek (Fun Fact : his real name is George)

The indoor pool alone made me want to put my morals aside and marry an old rich man- sadly Mr. George "Alex"Trebek is off the market

So if you are looking for cool vacation spots to check out or find yourself in central CA- don't overlook the amazingness that exists.  Looking for some hot items to wear on your trip?  Look at this website.  Heading to the Madonna Inn?  You will need these Can't get any time off?  Give yourself 2 hours and look at this website.  You're welcome!

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