Friday, March 30, 2012

Last week former Sway employee Andy D came into town and was playing a show at a strip joint.
First of all this is Andy D:

Now imagine that at a strip club.  I obviously had to go.
This was the first time I have ever ventured into a strip club (aside from those 3 rough months back in 04' when someone's mushy balls had to put food on the table.  JK guys) 
I love getting dressed for the occasion and getting dressed to go to a trashy strip joint was especially enjoyable.
I obviously had on some fake fur, a fitted 90's floral top and's teal fitted pencil skirt.  My hair was Susan Lucci-ed circa 1991 and I had to bring out my vintage clear plastic and metallic wedges. 

Once I put on my "casual stripper" shoes I realized how much I loved the clear plastic wedge and I wanted more in  my closet ASAPS.

Before my friend picked me up I googled "stripper shoes" to see if I could find something I liked.
The first results was a site called

Now obviously I had to check it out.  I mean, its so sad and beautiful and perfect. 

I wanted to start a band that minute just so I could call it that.

Annnyways I checked it out and OH MUH GAWD- so many gems!

Yes there are obviously some out-of-hand-trashy-never-wear-outside-of-the-house shoes, but there were also some awesome f*cking platforms.  Eat your heart out Jeffrey Campbell these are real stripper shoes!  Perfect to give you some height so your maxi dresses won't drag if you are a shortie like myself.

Also let us not forget DISCOUNT stripper shoes, so the price is right.

So if you have some time shimmy your way over to and check out the goods and get some deals, ya'll know I did.  

I got these two beauties and it was under $70!:

I discountstrippered it out

So don't forget when you are getting your fashion on don't be scared to look outside the box and find the OG's of the trend du jour.  It will save you some bucks and you may get to experience that awkward moment when the UPS guy goes "I have a delivery from" in front of all your coworkers...

Thursday, March 22, 2012

You Need This Now

There is a blue light special on aisle everywhere!!


So last december I was about to leave my office and I was in a pinch. It was 2 days before Christmas and as a workaholic I had no time to shop for an awesome Christmas ensemble.
Then we got a delivery from one of our vendors.

Going through the goods I found a shirt I had preordered months ago. It was form fitting, off the shoulder, slightly cropped, and black. It was a Christmas Miracle!
It was on its way to one of our stores but I snatched a Small out of the pack and brought it home. It looked quite awesome with my gold lamé vintage skirt. Rapidly I became obsessed with this perfect top. It was Friday night... what was I going to wear?? My Christmas Miracle top obviously. It became my new obsession.

A few weeks ago I stopped into the showroom of the designers who made it and found out something quite awesome - they extended my awesome top into a dress! And it came in aqua!!! I ordered it no questions asked and I have been not-so-patiently awaiting its arrival. Well guess what. It came in this morning!
Click To Buy!

AND I am so in love with this dress I want all of you to have it. How can we make this happen? How about it's only $14! Seriously everyone needs this dress. Thanks, we love you too.

This is part of our new series CrazyNotToBuy.  It is kind of the best thing ever- so you really need to be all about it.

Final Sale! Limit 1 per customer, duh!


I love my job.

I live, breath, eat, sleep, sneeze, scratch, drink, yawn, and hiccup fashion.

I love seeing people putting the effort into looking their best and sharing their fashion sense with the rest of the world. Get creative, have fun and look good- because we're ALL watching (unless you're in your comfort zone wearing your muumuu, in which case the only person watching you is that crazy bald guy in the apartment across from you.)

I don't know about you but when it comes to my wardrobe I can talk myself into buying just about anything if it makes me look hot enough. Sometimes you have to break the bank on fashion and it hurts so good. We all get it.

 For this reason we're giving you—oh lovely reader—an incredibly affordable price on pieces that you will wear. A lot. 

These are items that we've found and decided we can't live without. We don't want you to have to live without them either.

So go treat yourself! Go get those shoes you've been looking at every day or the purse you must have for Spring or the really hot bustier that will make your lover or future lover or Ryan Gosling want to take you home right now. Wear them with these awesomely priced styles we're offering and rest a little easier knowing that you did your part to offset the least a little bit.

We're calling this promotion CrazyNotToBuy because we have to call it something and this seems pretty spot on. Every CrazyNotToBuy item we offer will absolutely be living in the front of our closet this season. It's the kind of thing we wish our favorite store had done years ago. Now we run this sh!t and we can, so why the hell not? You're welcome.

You know we gotta say it... Limit one per customer, all CrazyNotToBuy items are final sale and don't forget there's free shipping on US orders over $50!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Price Is Right, and I Have No Shame

While getting my first Gel manni (recommended!) I was reading the latest Seventeen Magazine (obviously, I cannot get enough prepubescent embarrassment stories) and found out that Hard Candy is now being sold at Walmart.

For those of you who don't remember, Hard Candy made awesome unique colored nail polish long before any one dared to wear bright blue on their fingernails (I'm talking 15 years ago-the bottles also came with a free jelly ring!)  Apparently for awhile now the "alt" cosmetic brand has been available at Walmart.  They have lipgloss, eyeshadow, blush, the whole gamut.
So the next logical step was to high tail it out of there and get myself to the nearest Walmart to check out the goods.  Now I found some gloss, bronzer and mascara that made the 7th grader in me delighted.  However I also realized I was in a Walmart, something that hasn't occurred since high school.

Now back then you could not pay me to wear an item of clothing from Walmart.  Everyone would see my new shirt and be like "B*tch got that at Walmart..." and write me off as any sort of fashionista.

However now I feel no one I see on a day to day basis peruses their local Walmart's clothing sections.  So I figured I might as well check out their duds and see if I could find anything wearable and get some clothes on the cheap.

Of course everything I found was essentially unwearable (except for some basic tanks) but, BUT I stumbled across this wall and nearly lost my sh*t:
Those are not my Wavy Lays.  I repeat, those are NOT my Wavy Lays.
Like six different, perfectly colored muumuus for $11.88!!  Now I have been meaning to buy a muumuu and I  find awesome ones all the time at thrift stores, but there is something personal about a muumuu where I could just never get myself to buy a used one.

It something someone wore like, ALL the time.  They didn't just own that muumuu, they OWNED that muumuu, and something about wearing a used one seemed wrong.

As a lazy individual who loves to lounge and not leave my apartment unless I absolutely need to attend that party/get coffee/buy cloths/buy paper towels I spend a lot of time in what I like to call the "Comfort Zone."  And a great muumuu is just what a girl needs to make her way into the VIP section of the Comfort Zone.  (and since you are wearing it alone and independently, it is essentially the most quintessential indie fashion item you can own.)

I was elated obviously and narrowed it down to these two:
They have pockets!!

I opted for the pink one with the slight cheetah print, contrasted by purple flowers, because it was way too perfect.

So if you find that you yourself spending lots of time in or around the Comfort Zone and want something polyester and perfectly printed with no waist line- get yourself to a Walmart ASAPS.

While there, don't forget to check out the boys section (if you are petite you can usually fit in the M-L sizes)- I also snagged this St. Patty's Day button up for $7.88

Leave your pride at the door, pick up a smiley sticker and be prepared to read some tabloids in the 45 minute line to the register.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Six Layered Buyer Burrito

Ok so Spring is upon us.  As a resident of Los Angeles this means practically nothing to me weather wise  (Be jealous, its fine.) BUT it does mean Spring fashion is upon us as well.

Here is a very quick rundown of what you can expect:

Bright Colors
Neon Pastels (I love Oxymorons!)
Collars (Peter Pan, or classic)
Colored Denim
Lace Dresses 

A good Spring Trend indicator to me is the MAGIC Fashion Tradeshow that takes place in early February of every year in Las Vegas.
As a buyer I get to look around and see what everyone is presenting as their must haves for Spring  and Fall 2012.

However, as in Fashion week, the best indicator of what people will really be wearing is what other buyers and fashion insiders working the show are wearing.

And what were they wearing you ask?
Bright blue skinny jeans and a button up blouse.  Oh and if they didn't have Ombre hair I did not see them because it was essentially a sea of Ombre going down in Las Vegas.
It was like a giant layer cake.  Black, then tan, then blonde, then white, then bright blue, then the yummy bottom layer of black wedges.  Hmmm Buyer Layered Delight!

I apparently did not get the memo, but I just forwarded it onto you.

Speaking of layers and Ombres we finally got these guys in along with other awesome new shoes (did you enjoy that segway?)